Spring is the perfect time of year to begin cleanup outside and begin sprucing up the yard. The trees are budding, the flowers are beginning to bloom and the grass is quickly growing. Keeping the lawn lush, green and weed free can actually be easier than one might think, with a little tender love and care.

It is a good idea to start by clearing the lawn of any debris that was left by the late fall and winter. A good aeration is needed to begin the aeration of the top soil, which opens airways letting water, air and nutrients get to the root zone resulting in a healthier grass root system. Be sure to firmly rake away any dead grass as you don’t want to block any new grass growth. Removing any rocks and sticks during this stage will make it a lot easier and definitely much safer when you move into the mowing stage.

Apply a complete Lawn fertilizer and ensure it is watered into the soil profile.

Remember, a heavy mowing or scalping of the lawn too early in the growing season can leave you with a brown lawn for 3 or 4 weeks. You can always adjust the mower settings, lowering down one setting at a time rather than cutting it too short and being stuck with a brown lawn for the next month or so.

As you stand back and admire how well your lawn is beginning to shape up, you can start planning your lawn maintenance strategy of fertilizing, feeding and weeding your lawn to keep it healthy, lush and green throughout the growing season ahead.  For more information about lawn maintenance visit us at Hanceys Turf or click here.

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